
Looking on the bright side: Notes from the January meeting
Recommendations list with summaries for The Literati

One-to-one Agent Meetings at the York Festival of Writing
Blog post for Writers & Illustrators Zurich

Reflections on Aminatou Sow’s and Ann Friedman’s ‘Big Friendship’
Book review for the University of York Feminist Society

Why I’m done with straight white men — or at least avoiding books written by them
Guest post for

Why ‘should’ can take a long walk off a short pier
Post on credibility for Scandinavia’s no. 1 international B2B marketing blog

Why storytelling matters
Reflections on the humanity of storytelling for the Integrated B2B blog

Women we’re raving about
International Women’s Day post for the Impromptue Community

Fiction & poetry

A sense of savasana
Flash fiction for Introduction to Creative Writing through Oxford Continuing Education

Carpenter’s teatime
Poem for Module 1 of the Postgraduate Diploma in Creative Writing course from the University of York

Everything shimmers
Flash fiction for Introduction to Creative Writing through Oxford Continuing Education

Poem for Module 4 of the Postgraduate Diploma in Creative Writing course from the University of York

Natural habitat
Flash fiction for Introduction to Creative Writing through Oxford Continuing Education